Walk before you run – a lesson in the importance of site preparation


In the era of fast food, next day delivery, and fast-tracked television, instant gratification has become a mainstream expectation. Unfortunately, when it comes to construction, we don’t have the luxury of a fast forward function, a life hack, or even the possibility of skipping ahead to the last chapter of the book where the client is presented with their completed project. Whether you are sprucing up your quaint residential courtyard or carrying out the build for a project the size of a football pitch, a variety of less-glamourous, practical steps need to be undertaken to ensure the best results. One of these crucially important preludes to project grandeur is site preparation.

Site preparation for construction generally includes a range of assessments, planning, and preliminary activities that can include site cuts, levelling, clearing, drainage, concrete preparation, and demolition. You may be thinking, is all this really necessary? We definitely think so, and have put together a few of the key benefits you can receive from making sure you have a professional site preparation carried out for your project.

To make sure that your project starts off on the right foot, take the time to carry out a comprehensive site preparation. Should you require any assistance with any stage of the process Welsh Industries have the experienced team and modern fleet of equipment to provide you with a range of site preparation services that are second to none. Give us a call on (03) 4050 7312 to find out how we can ensure your work gets under way safely and in a timely manner.

Don’t let a failure to plan leave you with nothing but a plan to fail.

Bees are a crucial piece of the biodiversity puzzle, so it’s in our best interests to keep them happy. When completing lawn maintenance, be sure to use a bee-friendly insecticide.

These varieties won’t harm our buzzing pals but will still target pesky damage-causing bugs. It also doesn’t hurt to have some flowers and natives in your garden to encourage bees to visit.

Get a buzz on

During the planning and site preparation phase of a project you should include an assessment to identify and investigate any areas on-site that may house underground piping, wiring, and other utilities. Should underground infrastructure be interfered with during construction, it could lead to potential safety risks for staff as well as create costly damage - even resulting in legal implications for the site management team.

Reduces the chances of underground utility damage

Selecting the appropriate area on-site to carry out your construction can be a logistical nightmare if not carefully considered, especially on larger projects. Access and delivery points, turning circles, and storage for materials are commonly overlooked spaces that need to be created and cannot simply be arranged when the first material delivery arrives. You also need to clear enough space to house larger pieces of equipment whose overall functionality may be compromised if you haven’t planned for the full scope of activity that will occur during project construction.
An effective site preparation process should also consider the site elevation on which construction will take place, especially in relation to drainage ensuring that, where required, adequate grading is carried out to compensate.

Ensures that you’re building in a prime location

Erosion control is an essential facet of any new development venture and something that should be carefully considered and planned for in the early stages of a project’s development. Any land and vegetation clearing that will be required to complete design plans can affect the way in which water will drain across a project site during and after construction. Inadequate site preparation can result in insufficient drainage or erosion barriers which can have dire consequences for a project as well as the surrounding environments. You should also bear in mind that drainage and erosion control errors can be a costly process to amend after construction has been completed on a project.

Safeguards against drainage and erosion issues

No new building site comes free from obstructions and, depending on the terrain, you could find yourself subject to trees, rocks, concrete, and all other manner of obstacles in unwanted places. While you may think it’s easier to just deal with obstructions as you go, a professional land clearing and site preparation service can ensure the project site is safely and effectively cleared. That way you can get to work knowing there is nothing on-site that can cause unexpected delays, damage, or access issues.

Creates an obstruction-free zone

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