The grass is greener – lawn care tips to keep your turf looking lush all year round


There are few things sadder (or more classically Australian) than a brown, dry, crispy lawn. Harsh conditions, neglect, and a lack of knowledge tend to be the three main culprits for turf that’s seen better days.

While you can’t control the weather, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are giving your lawn the best shot to thrive, survive, and look like a million bucks. We’ve assembled our top lawn care tips that will keep your turf in tip-top shape, no matter the season.

Unfortunately, sometimes your precious lawn can get to a point where you need professional help.

If you have tried all the above tips and are still finding yourself hiding from the scowls of your neighbours, get in touch with the team at Welsh Industries. Their expert landscaping gang offers a lawn repair service, as well as scheduled property maintenance contracts to keep your turf healthy year-round.

Know when to surrender

Water alone won’t cut it when it comes to lawn care – fertiliser is your friend!

Most lawn fertilisers and lawn treatments contain a delicate balance of nutrients that are ideal for grass health. To make it even easier, some brands offer hose-on fertilisers so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Focus on fertility

Bees are a crucial piece of the biodiversity puzzle, so it’s in our best interests to keep them happy. When completing lawn maintenance, be sure to use a bee-friendly insecticide.

These varieties won’t harm our buzzing pals but will still target pesky damage-causing bugs. It also doesn’t hurt to have some flowers and natives in your garden to encourage bees to visit.

Get a buzz on

If you want your grass to grow thicker, an optimal mowing technique is a must. Make sure to mow your grass short to encourage more lateral growth, and mow in different directions so your grass grows straight up.

If you mow in the same direction all the time, the grass gets lazy and follows that direction – and nobody wants a lazy lawn that doesn’t have room for new growth!

Go with the mow

There are a whole variety of weeds and invading turf species that will do their best to destroy your lawn. This is where it’s time to get physical. Hand-weed whatever you are capable of, then treat your turf with herbicides as required. 

It also pays to know which bugs are beneficial to your garden, and which ones you should be targeting. Bees, lady beetles, earthworms, and praying mantis are all good guys who can help with your lawn health. Beware of armyworms, lawn grubs, and mole crickets – these insects mean trouble. You can purchase insecticides that purposefully target these pests while not harming the good bugs.

Know your enemy

This one is a real garden maintenance insider tip – invest in a plant growth regulator. Once a secret used only in commercial landscapes like sports fields and golf courses, PGRs are now available for home use.

These formulas are a mix of chemicals designed to stunt the growth of your lawn, slowing vertical growth, and thus reducing mowing requirements. The energy is then redirected to the roots of the turf, resulting in more lateral growth so your lawn looks thicker.

Do your own stunts

The first one is a no-brainer but always bears repeating – you can’t have a green lawn without the right amount of water. When your lawn runs out of H2O and loses its ability to draw moisture from the soil, you hit your permanent wilting point.

If mother nature isn’t providing the necessary rain to keep your turf happy, make sure you are watering your lawn one to three times a week. If this task is too much to remember, you can bring in the pros like Welsh Industries to perform scheduled garden maintenance for you.

Quench that thirst

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